Sunday, August 4, 2013

TED Presents : Tim Brown

Tales of Creativity and Play
"Integrity has no need of rules."
-Albert Camus

The world is bound by rules, by laws it was set by genuine mind of an individual but what is the difference between laws and rules? Surely laws are set by nature while rules are set by the organic minds.

Nature speaks nothing of limitations neither has science . But why set rules?Perhaps to limit us from abuse and harms, from greed or perhaps, sway away from strife of an ideology.

The world is open to opportunities despite the cobwebs restricting our minds to stay on track. The world is limitless by nature. Ironically, brilliant mind sets the pace of the many but the many can never see the horizon which is cast in view of the shepherd.

Descriptively, adults alike has embedded this way of thinking, in fear of risk and despairing results.Young minds are indeed curious to most way of life thus, more prone to stray from the herd.

Does leaving a company astray pertains to a unforgivable feat? Perhaps but as long as integrity plays a part, an honest heart will eventually not only lead a herd but broaden the rows for everyone to open their minds.

Certainly, rules are bound by the ingenious mind but nevertheless, brilliance is for fools who fear no risks. Being creative is being insane, being insane is bringing the world another way round, to review, to circumvent the ways that went past, to bridge a new future and live freely.

Patience and humility plays an important role in brilliant mind, hence failure is a rope a climb towards success. Be influential.

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