Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 1: Much Ado About Anything

Some of the artworks that caught my eyes on a certain day at a certain time.

Music Album Covers:

Above: MAXIMUM THE HORMONE'S(マキシマムザホルモン) latest album cover

Above: Spitz (スピッツ) Album Cover

Above: Asian Kung Fu Generation album cover. (Artwork by Yusuke Nakamura)

What fascinates me most about these album covers is that, the impression I have upon seeing it for the first time. It somewhat reflects (which usually does) their songs inside the album. I may not know much nihongo but the feeling does relates to the arts. I can guess this affects the album sales as well...even probably a collectable.  
Artworks Away From Home
A simple architectural sketch render of an ancient wonder, The Colosseum.

A monochromatic photography by David Goldes

Oil on wood panel artworks by Darren Waterston

Works shown above were spotted in the office I work at. These artworks related to the office environment which I believe creates a aura or rather, a psychologal effects to remind the employees and visitors that the company is of an elite status. On the other hand, these art works also reminds them to take time, relax and contemplate; never forget your own well-being
_________________________________________________________________________________. Home and the Internet

Artwork by Yoshitaka Amano

Some cartoon spotted in a foodcourt.

My pet Salmon, the Guinea Pig.
Things come and go but art prevails once it captures you. Everything can be an art, its everywhere. From a painting to a metaphysical object, representation of one represents a meaning,emotions and intention. The last picture above may not seem to be of an art form but, imagine if it were a of pastel on canvas.

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