Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reflections: Pareidolia

"Is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant." - Wikipedia

Art is cunning
Art is clever
But art is amusing

Trickling our minds
Nitpicking those unwary
Art is sometimes calculative

Hence, Art is a work of wonders
A wonder indeed;
Nothing is everything."

In attempt to think of a poetry (an elementary one in fact), anyone could simply think if we do really exist physically. I know this sounds deep and
out of point but, my personal view in pareidolia does seem to reflect if we were to contemplate towards existence. Logic is something we are bind to what we see and heard but, creativity by nature is sensed beyond our understanding

Ask yourselves, what conspire existence?..or rather, What is God's design up to?

Week 8: Making Faces

A reflection of an emotion to certain reaction to a subject.
Though, some comes coincidentally thus work of art appears virtually everywhere.

Here are some which I have captured.

The "piggy" face

Grinning Face

Fearful face

Innocently confused Face

Gingerbread Face

Sneezy Face

Negative reaction Face

Alarmed Face

"Idly" Shocked face 

Slanted Smile

Drowsy Face

Cool-guy face

Mean Look

Surprised with disapproval face

Grumpy Face

Kissy Face

Smiley w/ teeth face

Dismayed Face

Fish face (Sideview)

Skeptic Face

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 6: Force Connection

Force Connection

Forced connection is another method whereby we can escape from a thought we are stucked on and a push to a struggle to get back the creative juices pumping.

"...oh, nope- that is not force connection on the right."
Forced connection is something like stuffing a banana onto a shark and say they can be omnivorous. Thats one way but that lacks substance

The term can be taken for granted but the effective way to utilize this technique is that to allow assimilation of two or more subjects and create a good flow of invention

Such as the pictures on the right, the statue of St. Therese and the other, 8th Spruce Street Building.

So how does these two co-relates?

Frank Gehry was inspire with folds. Thus contrasting his architectural work into what he did: taking out the motion of the folds and put it into a building which is now we presently have, the 8th Spruce Street.

 Another, notably is the Esplanade. To the locals, its durian inspired but for others, its an eye of a housefly.

Matter not, whichever the architect who designed this probably got the inspiration from somewhere and thus, it is a great work of art.

As per our own given task during the week, we were given two pictures: A cobweb and a horse.

Thus we came up with a suspended rocking horse.

Centaurs,Unicorns,Pegasus,Dragons and eskimos Airships, these are those which easily contrast with another objects. Through force connections, we are able to concoct our ideas and innovate.

As for the exit, here is an extremely hot centaur.I will leave the rest to your imagination. =)

Week 5: Lateral Thinking

Lateral vs Literal Thoughts
So, we all live in a closed society whereby a compliment can turn out to be a sexual harassment.

In a nutshell, this is literal society.

How about, a compliment turns out to be either a sexual harassment or probably a flattery or perhaps, a sign where you have to improvise to either flaunt it or remove it.

This is lateral thinking.

Nothing is good or bad, thinking makes it so as quoted by William Shakespear. But how we pass judgement can change a criticism into a opportunity.

That quote alone is one whole of a phrase but this applies to everything.

Now to lateral thinking.

Morality strikes into a person's ideology. Be it literal or lateral, thoughts comes to either judge or not to. Solving problems arises when we think lateral whilst literal is.....rather a easy way to bug out of the issue and carry on without solving or producing more or less no solution.

So lets be subjective - faiths and religion

What is the difference between the two? Are they really similar or perhaps a two different ideals to describe beliefs.

Examples would be of a Catholic to a  Protestant Christian(as a whole). Each of their doctrine presents different practices but all ends up in the same beliefs.

The approach is different but let us contradict the faithful and the strongly intellectual ones(ironically, I myself is a Christian).

Science states that life before humans were dinosaurs but beliefs(note that I'm not using faith or religious views for the sake of atheist or agnostics) states that God existed before the universe was born. Hence, God could've rode a velociraptor.

As such, how would this untangle such logic?

Well, lets start of with this gestalt theraphy.

What we see here is either a chalice or two faces facing each other. Now, how does this contrast to its purpose?

So it all now lies to how we perceive things and infact, has anyone questioned if we are really living physically or virtually now that we know our brains can trick us into believing? We might be thinking that God could be a a programmer and he is simulating things with a ultramegagigaterra-computer.

So now, what comes in is lateral thinking,

So maybe perhaps science and logic is bound to our dimension. Presently scientist has proven that we are bound by physical,chemical,biological and name other more in the branches of science.

In contradiction, if then the universe is getting old, how did the universe then was born?

On the other hand, human mind is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to small to comprehend such thoughts, let alone the understanding of God. Perhaps God did ride a velociraptor but does that mean we came from the sea and evolved to two legged creatures?

So in conclusion, does it matter?

Lateral thinking does break the boundaries of knowledge and allows us to think outside the box. Therefore, lateral thinking is for the curious.

So now, is which is better: Be wise or be smart? Both? but no one can be both, I'm afraid.

Week 4: Mind Map

Mindmap is a visual outline of ideas to produce concept in a much literal way.

Our mind unfortunately is usually too complex that even at our will is almost impossible to impose a strong foundation in solidifying our ideas or concepts.

Thus, mind map's purpose is to simplify, organize and justify the main focus on a topic.

Mind map however is never specific, unless you set certain parameters. For instance, selecting a topic alone will lead to an endless roots to a problem or solution. All thoughts and ideas are interconnected and thus, is a challenge.

Rather, by thinking of an outcome to a problem or idea, will simply narrow keywords and roots to a cause. As such, eliminating most of the interconnected topics relating.

Personally, I have difficulties in fortifying my ideas, let alone mind mapping for starters.

It takes practice, and never realizing mind mapping can also be an art form.

It brings our more concept ideas which not only fortifies but brings out more ideas onto a topic.
Though the method tends to lead you astray onto the focused topic idea. Such as now.(LOL)

It takes trials,experimentation and research to come up with keywords. Images are usually a cue to easily memorize a point of a branch. By specifying that branch to its output, this simply brings out a clearer logical to the sub-topic co-relating to its requisites.

And no, do not be confused with logic gates and a flowchart, these are not ideal to innovate and create new things but rather, focuses on logic within the area. Though, these are good methods in solidifying a prototype or a product.

Thus, mind mapping is indeed a necessity to all designers, to maintain originality and sustainability in innovating their produce.

I recently did some basic mind map on my own. A perfect design of a happy life.

I do realize all that is written are intertwined thus, i therefore conclude, time is a currency, happiness is the product. Without time, happiness is invalid. - Value time!

Week 9: Analogical Thinking

We've recently came into thinking about analogies. From art to science, analogies are mainly used to inspire creativity and innovations. As such,  relating one definition to another totally different definition communes a whole new concept without loosing its essence or meaning.

For instance, we came into a concept whereby we were (if) transported 100 years from now, what technologies could come across possibly and thought, biology as a whole and merge it with something so much antonymous to that?

Thus, we merged Biology and Technology.

To start of:
Nanotechnology -
"Is the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale." - Wikipedia

Nano-mechanical clothing:
Manipulation of a 'material' in a microscopic size into shape desired.

So basically, we came about this idea whereby changing clothes is applicable everywhere. Yes, that does not exclude public but how does this work?

With a touch of the piece of device, the material will then start to cover the whole body and mold into shape in accordance to the body shape and size. Not only it transforms but also sets an adjustment in a whim of a thought. From silk smooth to titanium hard body, this piece of cloth can be set to a specific durability,texture and color.

Pretty far fetched? Least it is not impossible anymore.

Invisible Cloak-

Presently, numerous scientist and institutions have already made a prototype of such technology and it is on its way to production.

Invincible clothing is now being developed by the US military(DARPA to be exact). This works by manipulating light, acting as camouflage. Technically, its components is able to mimic its surroundings.

Still not convinced?

Hydrophobic Spray-

This is no ordinary waterproof coating we use in our daily lives which makes surface slippery as a downside but this pray coating totally adds waterproofing onto any surface.

So now we have explained it's possible purpose, how about triggering and controlling?

The Audi A9 concept car-

Briefly speaking, this car can change colour in a whim of a command. Nano-material based material is manipulated to amend changes.

Okay, how it works technically?

Cancer killing Nano-bots-

Self-explanatory and of course they are program to behave in their specific order - to kill cancer cells.

So, how about triggering with our mind?

Brain Driver-

Google eventually developed the driver-less car (that could turn driver brainless when driving) and the news were actually spread very recently. So, with that, cognitive-control is very very possible.

So there we have it, with all these present technologies, it is very possible to create the proposed invention: The Nano-Clothing.