Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 6: Force Connection

Force Connection

Forced connection is another method whereby we can escape from a thought we are stucked on and a push to a struggle to get back the creative juices pumping.

"...oh, nope- that is not force connection on the right."
Forced connection is something like stuffing a banana onto a shark and say they can be omnivorous. Thats one way but that lacks substance

The term can be taken for granted but the effective way to utilize this technique is that to allow assimilation of two or more subjects and create a good flow of invention

Such as the pictures on the right, the statue of St. Therese and the other, 8th Spruce Street Building.

So how does these two co-relates?

Frank Gehry was inspire with folds. Thus contrasting his architectural work into what he did: taking out the motion of the folds and put it into a building which is now we presently have, the 8th Spruce Street.

 Another, notably is the Esplanade. To the locals, its durian inspired but for others, its an eye of a housefly.

Matter not, whichever the architect who designed this probably got the inspiration from somewhere and thus, it is a great work of art.

As per our own given task during the week, we were given two pictures: A cobweb and a horse.

Thus we came up with a suspended rocking horse.

Centaurs,Unicorns,Pegasus,Dragons and eskimos Airships, these are those which easily contrast with another objects. Through force connections, we are able to concoct our ideas and innovate.

As for the exit, here is an extremely hot centaur.I will leave the rest to your imagination. =)

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