Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 9: Analogical Thinking

We've recently came into thinking about analogies. From art to science, analogies are mainly used to inspire creativity and innovations. As such,  relating one definition to another totally different definition communes a whole new concept without loosing its essence or meaning.

For instance, we came into a concept whereby we were (if) transported 100 years from now, what technologies could come across possibly and thought, biology as a whole and merge it with something so much antonymous to that?

Thus, we merged Biology and Technology.

To start of:
Nanotechnology -
"Is the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale." - Wikipedia

Nano-mechanical clothing:
Manipulation of a 'material' in a microscopic size into shape desired.

So basically, we came about this idea whereby changing clothes is applicable everywhere. Yes, that does not exclude public but how does this work?

With a touch of the piece of device, the material will then start to cover the whole body and mold into shape in accordance to the body shape and size. Not only it transforms but also sets an adjustment in a whim of a thought. From silk smooth to titanium hard body, this piece of cloth can be set to a specific durability,texture and color.

Pretty far fetched? Least it is not impossible anymore.

Invisible Cloak-

Presently, numerous scientist and institutions have already made a prototype of such technology and it is on its way to production.

Invincible clothing is now being developed by the US military(DARPA to be exact). This works by manipulating light, acting as camouflage. Technically, its components is able to mimic its surroundings.

Still not convinced?

Hydrophobic Spray-

This is no ordinary waterproof coating we use in our daily lives which makes surface slippery as a downside but this pray coating totally adds waterproofing onto any surface.

So now we have explained it's possible purpose, how about triggering and controlling?

The Audi A9 concept car-

Briefly speaking, this car can change colour in a whim of a command. Nano-material based material is manipulated to amend changes.

Okay, how it works technically?

Cancer killing Nano-bots-

Self-explanatory and of course they are program to behave in their specific order - to kill cancer cells.

So, how about triggering with our mind?

Brain Driver-

Google eventually developed the driver-less car (that could turn driver brainless when driving) and the news were actually spread very recently. So, with that, cognitive-control is very very possible.

So there we have it, with all these present technologies, it is very possible to create the proposed invention: The Nano-Clothing.

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